Wednesday 12 October 2011

Rare alpaca twin girls born to farm in Houston, US

Rootin Tootin Alpacas in Houston has enjoyed the rare opportunity to experience alpaca twin babies, something rather uncommon and even more so for them to survive.

Their four year old alpaca female named Skittles gave birth to twin girls just a few weeks ago and both little babies are doing well.

Owners Jim and Connie Root were at first reluctant though "We never really wanted twins because of the mortality rate," Jim said, "but they both seem to be doing pretty well. If you can get past seven days, you're usually in pretty good shape," Jim said. "Both of them are past that now."

The first baby twin was born Wednesday, September the 21st around midday weighing in at 11 pounds and 4 ounces. She has black fleece from head to toe and was named Pringles. Her little sister popped along almost exactly 24 hours later weighing in at 15 pounds and 2 ounces and was named Chipotle, who has rose gray fleece and a black-and-white head.

And being both female is an added bonus. "Since they're both female, there's a very good chance that they'll both reproduce," Jim said. "Most of the time if twins are a male and a female, the female won't reproduce. We might have hit the jackpot on this one."
Interestingly, the twins have very different fleece, or fibre, even though they share the same mother and father. Pringles' jet-black fleece has a soft and even texture, while Chipotle's is denser, with what Jim called a "popcorn" texture.

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